- /UWS/Module-Descriptors/Health-and-Life-Sciences/Masters/

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BIOL11001 Bioanalysis
BIOL11004 Microbial Technology
BIOL11005 Masters Research Project
BIOL11006 Nucleic Acid & Protein Technology
BIOL11007 Research Design
BIOL11011 Disease - Detection, Monitoring and Therapy
BIOL11012 Genetic Analysis in Biomedical Science
BIOL11015 Work-Based Learning 1 (Specialist Portfolio)
BIOL11016 Work-Based Learning 2 (Specialist Portfolio)
BIOL11019 Research & Commercialisation in Biotechnology
BIOL11020 Effects of Lifestyle on Health
BIOL11021 Master of Public Health Dissertation
BIOL11022 Principles of Infection and Disease Control
BIOL11023 Statistical Methods of Public Health
BIOL11025 Advanced Laboratory Techniques
BIOL11026 Biomedical Science Quality Management
BIOL11027 Professional Practice (HLS)
BIOL11028 Health and Lifestyle
BIOL11029 Women's Mental Health
BIOL11030 Epidemiology
BIOL11031 Concepts in One Health
BIOL11032 Environmental, Animal and Human Health
BIOL11033 Ecology and control of emerging diseases
BIOL11034 Zoonoses
CEWM11011 Net Zero and Carbon management
MIDW11003 Research for Health & Social Care
MIDW11010 Clinical Teaching
MIDW11030 Responding to Public Health Challenges
MIDW11032 Appraising Complex Midwifery
MIDW11033 Research and Professionalism 2
MIDW11034 Critical Concepts of Perinatal Mental Health
MIDW11035 Analysis of Complex Clinical Practice
MIDW11036 MSc Dissertation Project
MIDW11037 Critical Skills for Registered Practice
MIDW11038 Meeting Family Needs and Global Perspectives
MIDW11039 Special and Transitional Care of the Neonate
MIDW11040 Neonatal Care Work Based Learning
MIDW11041 High Dependency & Intensive Care of Neonate
NURS11001 Child Protection in Context
NURS11002 Protecting Children
NURS11003 Child Protection in Practice
NURS11010 MSc Dissertation (HLS)
NURS11012 Independent Study (HSCE)
NURS11017 Leadership For Effectiveness
NURS11025 Contemporary Cancer & Palliative Care
NURS11036 Psychosocial Concerns in Serious Illness
NURS11049 Quality Improvement in Healthcare
NURS11064 Delivering Compassionate Care
NURS11086 Complexities of Pain
NURS11094 Frailty in Later Life
NURS11097 Contemporary Health Visiting
NURS11098 Safeguard Children, Enable Families
NURS11103 Role Development in Nursing
NURS11105 Consolidation of Practice
NURS11109 Applying CBT with Anxiety and Depression
NURS11110 CBT Enhanced Skills and Treatment Models
NURS11111 CBT for Chronic and Complex Disorders
NURS11112 CBT Models and Core Therapeutic Competencies
NURS11113 CBT Science Ethics and Personal Development
NURS11114 CBT Strategies Skills and Interventions
NURS11116 Core Values in Mental Health Practice
NURS11117 The Supervisory Process
NURS11118 Education for Mental Health
NURS11119 Therapeutic Skills for Mental Health
NURS11120 Changing Mental Health Services
NURS11121 Independent Study - Mental Health
NURS11122 Leadership for Mental Health
NURS11124 Global Health Economics & Health Systems
NURS11125 Achieving change in advanced dementia care
NURS11128 Rights, risks & ethics in advanced dementia
NURS11129 Introduction to eHealth
NURS11130 Contemporary School Nursing
NURS11131 Enhancing Wellbeing in Children and Young People
NURS11133 Assessment & Decision Making in Adv Practice
NURS11136 Forensic Risk Assessment and Risk Management
NURS11137 Forensic Treatments and Interventions
NURS11139 Mental Disorder and the Law
NURS11140 Problem Behaviours
NURS11141 Advanced Clinical Practice
NURS11142 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology in Advance Practice
NURS11144 Leading and Transforming Together
NURS11145 Creating the Conditions for Integrated Care
NURS11146 People and communities
NURS11147 Value for People, Professionals, Organisations
NURS11148 NMC Assessment & Decision Making in Adv Practice
NURS11149 NMC Leadership for Effectiveness
NURS11150 NMC Responding to Public Health Challenges
NURS11151 Assessment of Capacity
NURS11153 Independent and Supplementary Prescribing L11
NURS11154 Integrated Human Development
NURS11155 Managing Holistic Care
NURS11156 Resilience in Health
NURS11157 Self, Society and Nursing
NURS11158 Health and Society
NURS11159 Managing Mental Health Care
NURS11160 Research and Practice
NURS11163 Managing MH Through the CJS
NURS11164 Assessing in the Community
SPOR11014 Coach Development
SPOR11015 Applied Coaching Project
SPOR11017 Investigating Coaching 1
SPOR11021 Supervised Experience in Sport Coaching 2
SPOR11022 Investigating Coaching 2 (20 Credits)
SPOR11023 Planning for Coaching (20 credits)