- /UWS/Module-Descriptors/Health-and-Life-Sciences/Year-2/

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BIOL08001 Vertebrate Physiology
BIOL08002 Practical Skills in Biomed. and Env. Health
BIOL08003 Human Biology
BIOL08004 Introductory Microbiology
BIOL08005 Cells & Sugars
BIOL08012 Genetics
BIOL08019 Core Biomedical Science
BIOL08023 Enterprise Skills & Biologists 20
BIOL08024 Legislative Framework in Practice
BIOL08025 Humans and the Global Biosphere
BIOL08026 Forensic Evidence Analysis & Retrieval
BIOL08027 Animal Behavour
CEWM08001 Health & Hygiene
CEWM08003 Safety Technology
CEWM08004 Working Environment
CEWM08005 The Management of Risk
CEWM08006 Legislative Framework
CEWM08007 Environmental Protection
CEWM08008 Managing Risks in Business
CEWM08009 Waste Industry - Compliance and Planning
CEWM08010 Waste Industry - Legislation and Licencing
HLTH08001 Evidence, Research and Academic Skills
HLTH08002 Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifespan
HLTH08003 Working in Health & Social Care
HLTH08004 Fundamentals & Professionalism in Health
HLTH08005 Contemporary and Global Issues in Health
HLTH08006 The Psychology of Health & Wellbeing
MIDW08014 Complex Midwifery
MIDW08015 Professional Midwifery 2
MIDW08016 Complex Care in Practice
MIDW08017 Perinatal Mental Health
NURS08036 Dimensions of Health and Social Welfare
NURS08037 Integrating Health and Social Care
NURS08038 Person-centredness
NURS08040 Work related Learning 1
NURS08041 Assessment and Enablement
NURS08052 Anaesthesia & Medicine Management
NURS08053 Applied Practice & PDP 2
NURS08054 ODP Care of Vulnerable Person
NURS08056 Building Healthy Communities
NURS08057 Health and Human Development 2
NURS08058 Promoting Positive Outcomes
NURS08059 Resilience in Healthcare
NURS08060 Partnerships in Mental Health
NURS08061 Promoting Mental Health
PARA08001 Patient Assessment & Clinical Decision Making
PARA08002 PS - Building Health Communities
PARA08003 PS - Health & Human Development 2
SPOR08029 Sport Tourism & Event Management
SPOR08035 Developing Coaching
SPOR08036 Coaching Theory & Practice 2
SPOR08037 Intro to Physical Education
SPOR08038 Personal Training
SPOR08039 Principles of Exercise Physiology
SPOR08040 Principles of Human Movement
SPOR08041 Psychosocial Aspects of Sport and Exercise
SPOR08042 Sport and Exercise Experience
SPOR08043 Sport Policy and Development
SPOR08044 Sports' Events & Tourism